+30 2510 222255 +30 697 413 50 50 (Emergency,viber,whatsapp)

Transaction Security


Data Protection

Xplora recognizes the importance of the security of your Personal Data and your electronic transactions and takes all necessary measures, using the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure your maximum security. All information related to your personal data and transactions is secure and confidential.

Controlled Acces

Xplora does not store and manage personal data and access to the booking and payment systems is through international suppliers who have all the necessary facilities, software, and procedures to allow the use of specific services by customers/users while prohibiting access to systems and databases with confidential company data and information.

Confidentiality of Transactions

The observance of confidentiality is self-evident. The same basic principles that govern traditional transactions apply to e-commerce. No information is transmitted from the user/member to an employee of Xplora, but is passed directly to the third parties - suppliers who manage the booking and transaction system.

As far as Personal Data is concerned, you can request any information held about you and its correction in case you can document the existence of an error. For your own security, you should also treat all information provided through the Service as confidential and proprietary and not make any disclosure to third parties.

Credit card details are not stored on the company's storage media during the transaction but are entered directly into a secure environment of the partner payment clearing platform that has been assigned to route the cards. All transactions are governed by International and European law, which regulates issues related to e-commerce as well as by the Consumer Protection Law (Law 2251/1994), which regulates issues related to distance sales.


The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2016/679), any specific national and European legislation for certain sectors, the applicable Greek legislation on the protection of personal data, as well as on the protection of personal data and privacy in the electronic communications sector (Law 3471/2006 , as amended) and the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority (PDA). Any personal data that you declare anywhere on the pages and services of the www.xplora.city websites are not held by the COMPANY, but are stored by the booking and payment clearing providers and may not be used by any third party (except where provided by law to the competent authorities only).

At any time the user reserves the right to inform or object to the further processing of his/her data in accordance with the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data.